To my current relationship.

I'm not the prettiest girl, but you never fail to tell me every single day that I'm beautiful. I'm not anyone's dream girl, but you never fail to make me feel like you've won the jackpot. Fact is, I have a lot of insecurities, but you never cease to break down the walls of insecurity that I built just to constantly remind me that I'm perfect. I just want you to know that I thank God for giving me someone who can and will always be ready to handle my mood swings, rants, tantrums and dramas in life. I thank Him for giving me someone who will always be there for me 24/7. I thank Him for giving me someone who will never give up on me. And above all, I thank Him for giving me such a wonderful blessing. To my 1st relationship, I just hope you're my last.

Truth Slap

Don't let yourself fall harder for the person who won't catch you.

Do not love me if you cannot accept my imperfections. I'm not the most beautiful. I have insecurities and I have body issues. Don't love me if you can't love the real me. 

Do not love me if you'll just hurt and take me for granted in the end. I don't want temporary hook ups. I want a relationship for keeps. 

Do not love me if you just want sex. I'm not a sex toy. My body is holy. 

Do not make me feel special temporarily. Do not love me if you don't like commitment. I don't want to spend my time investing my emotions to someone who doesn't really value me. 

Do not love me if you can't deal with my tantrums. Mood swings are normal you gotta deal with it. 

Don't love me if you are just gonna be one of those people who are just good with words but not with actions. Man up. 

Words by: Truth Slap

Please Believe Me When I Tell You That I Love You

I know that I’m not always the perfect girlfriend and I know that I do not always give you the love that you deserve.

Far too often I expect you to show me the kind of love found in fairytales and movies while I sit back and fail to do the same for you and for that I’m sorry. I wish you could get inside my brain and realize just how much I want to kiss you while we’re driving…when I see you in the halls at school…everywhere.

Thank you for showing me affection even when I feel like I have not earned it. I know it must be hard to try and love me when I seem closed off to you at times, but please trust me when I say that I need you to keep trying.

With every random text my heart opens up more to you, and I fall more in love with you then I thought was possible. It may not always seem like it babe, but I’m trying so hard to open up to you and be vulnerable so that I can show you how much you really mean to me.

I know that one day I will look back and laugh, thinking about how silly it was that I had my guard up for you. But until that day, please continue to love me, for I know that I love you. 

💌 Reagan Sporn

You can’t replace the core.

Why We’ll Always Be Closest To The People Who Knew Us When We Were Young And Reckless

In our youth, friendships are much more like love affairs.

They come on passionately, intensely, strong. We meet someone whose mind matches ours and get lost in a world of our own making. We speak a different language with our friends when we are young – made up of our histories, our stories, our inside jokes and our greatest hopes. We get swept away in friendships in a way that is rivaled only by our greatest loves.

And yet something changes as we get older. It’s not that we can’t still confide in one another – we can and we frequently do. It’s just that our youth has worn off: all its melodrama, all its pain, all its ecstasy. We don’t need our friends like the air in our lungs anymore. We are able to take care of ourselves, suddenly and unexpectedly. We are no longer co-dependent and obsessed.

It’s a healthy, productive transition. And yet there’s a certain intimacy that gets lost.

Adult friendships are a calmer affair. They’re simpler and cleaner and much more straight-forward. They’re relationships of mutual support but no longer relationships of mutual chaos. And no matter how brilliant and strong they can be, there’s something about the frantic, desperate friendships we form when we’re young that can simply never be reconstructed.

The people you meet as adults meet you at your best. They know the polished you, the grown-up you, the you who is capable and put-together and strong.
They know the you that you have spent years perfecting, but they don’t know the you who came first.

They don’t know who you were before you knew any better. They don’t know the you who was still figuring it out. They weren’t there for every night you spent wasted or foolish or crying on the bathroom floor. They don’t know the times when you needed real help – when you were too out of control of yourself or too at the mercy of others. They weren’t there to pick you up when everything fell apart. They weren’t there to catch your first real falls.

No matter who we meet and fall platonically in love with as adults, there will always be a special place in our hearts for the people who knew us at our most vulnerable. For the people who helped us grow, who coached us into ourselves, who caught all our mistakes and misgivings. Those people know us in a way that nobody else ever truly can again. They know the raw parts of us, the messy parts. They know the intimacies that we spent years learning to cover up afterwards. They know all of the parts we later learned to push down.

There is a rawness to the friendships we form when we are young that can never be rivalled.
There’s an honesty that comes from knowing someone when they had not yet constructed the persona of who they’d like to be and how they want the world to see them. The friends that we acquire in our youth see us with x-ray goggles no matter how successful and respectful we become. To them, we aren’t the award-winning professional or the responsible mother of three.

To them, we will forever be that teenage girl who had her heartbroken. We’re the lost and reeling college dropout, struggling to find their direction. We’re the person they helped put back together when we were in a thousand pieces and in many ways, that is a relief.

It’s a relief to know that no matter where we go in life or who we find ourselves holding onto, there are people out there who we will forever be unable to fool.
There are people who can meet us decades down the road and instantly know the parts of us that we’ve learned to keep hidden for so long.

Because the truth is, other people may know our history, but those people know our core.

And no matter how much changes, no matter how much time passes, and no matter how much even we ourselves forget it – you can’t replace the core.

It lives on inside of every person we’ve loved and trusted fully – back when we were just young and reckless enough to let ourselves. 

👭 Heidi Priebe

Dear you.

To my future partner in life. It's okay if your money isn't too good right now. I can finance myself. It's okay if you don't have a car in the meantime. It's okay if you still live with your parents currently. It's okay if you can't get a job at the moment. I can pay for everything until you do. It's okay if you can't afford to take me out or get me something nice. I  can feed myself or buy myself the things I want. It's okay if you can't support me now. I can support and take care of myself. 

If you need help getting your life together, I will be there for you and help you in any way I can. All I really ask from you is your loyalty, your honesty, and your effort. Most guys think it's a high paying job, an expensive car, a lavish lifestyle is what's gonna impress me, but in the long run, all of that means nothing if you aren't a good man and what comes from the heart is what matters to me the most.

- fb: love and happiness :)

Every girl deserve to be loved..

You Deserve To Remember How It Feels To Be Loved

You deserve to wake up to beautiful messages every morning, messages that are heartfelt and genuine, messages that only someone who truly knows you can send and messages that let you know that you’re the first person on someone’s mind each and every day.

You deserve to be loved for who you are, with your flaws, with your quirks, with your imperfections and you deserve to be with someone who doesn’t make you afraid of being yourself, you deserve to be with someone who sees all the parts of you and chooses to love them and chooses to stay.

You deserve to remember how it feels to be loved and be truly cared for. You deserve to be with someone who makes you forget about every ignored message, every unanswered call and every person who couldn’t love you.

You deserve to remember everything you forgot about love, you deserve someone who doesn’t get tired of reminding you what you mean to them and what they’d do for you.

You deserve to have the love you always dreamed of, the kind of love that makes you want to be a better person, the kind of love that makes you happy and the kind of love that makes you feel safe because you got used to loving the ones who only introduced you to danger and heartbreak.

You deserve to remember how special you really are and always have been before you loved people who made you feel like you’re ordinary.

You deserve to fall in love with someone who doesn’t want to break your heart or play with it, you deserve someone who can remind you that love is not a game, that everyone who ever played you was the real loser and you deserve someone who’s terrified of losing you.

You deserve to remember what it feels like to be with someone who’s afraid of losing you, someone who does their best to make sure that you’ll always remain in their life because it would be incomplete without you.

You deserve to remember everything you knew about love before you fell in love with those who made you forget. You deserve to remember that you were never the problem, that you’ve always been too much for the wrong ones.

You deserve to find someone who never gets enough of you and reminds you that there is no such thing as loving too much because they’re willing to love you just as much — and maybe more. 

💌 Rania Naim

JERMS Surprise Planner @ Tawau

15 Oct 2016

Assalamualaikum and hello! ini enty tentang projek aku dan kawan kawan. Seketul Ekafur yang tidak tahu untuk upadate enty yang menarik tetapi rajin baca entry orang lain kekeke.

So here we goo!

Pada Rabu yang lalu bersamaan dengan 12 October 2016 kami telah melancarkan projek Surprise Planner for Tawaurian :) Projek tersebut dianggotai oleh gadis gadis JERMS sudah pastinya santik santik belaka. Maka dengan itu tertubuhlah JERMS Surprise Planner. Kenapa JERMS? Sebenarnya itu nama kitorang hehee kami berkawan sejak sekolah menengah lagi. So let me introduce wanita yang bakal menyerikan hidupmu 

J = Jannah
E = Eka    
R = Ratna 
M = Murni 
S = Sartika

Do visit our page on Facebook @ JERMS Surprise Planner -Tawau- dan Instagram kami @ JermsSurprisePlanner jangan lupa likeeee dan follow okay?

ini merupakan wajah wajah disebalik tabir JERMS Surprise Planner

Projek yang kami laksanakan ni bukanlah bertujuan untuk mengaut seberapa banyak keuntungan, ini hanyalah projek kecil bersahabat. Kitorang ni sudah semakin dewasa dan kita akan semakin sibuk dengan kehidupan masing masing (ada yang dah nakk kawen dahhh) Jadi ini antara projek sahabat yang akan mengekalkan kami semua, InshaAllah.. Doakan yeeee

Namun, tidak semua perjalanan semudah yang dirancang dan tidak seindah yang diangankan, Mungkin ada pihak yang menganggap kami cuba menutup pintu rezeki mana mana pihak, Demi Allah tiada niat untuk menghalang rezeki orang lain. Apapun, niat kita betul so keep going on gais, tanak cedih cedih k.

So, pihak kami menyedikan beberapa jenis pakej yang mengikut bajet kamurang. Ini antara pakej yang kami sediakan 

Untuk lebih details, sebarang pertanyaan, cadangan dan apa apa yang berkaitan boleh PM tepi k? no worry semua hakak hakak peramah kekeke

Mungkin logo ni akan bertebaran dilaman sosial kamurang, Tolong support yaaa, tekan butang like pun suda cukup buat kami gembira. Kalau share lagilahhh kami shukaaa hihihi. TENGKIU!

I'm in the process of becoming the best version of myself.

 18 august 2016

Always remember that behind every strong and independent woman, there are days when she was alone and helpless. There are lessons she has learnt from life and there are stories of battles and struggles which she has fought alone. Beneath the shield of confidence and strength there is a plethora of sadness and pain which she has endure. - Aarti Khurana